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In recent years, technology has revolutionized the field of orthodontics and opened up a world of possibilities for patients.

From smaller brackets and quicker treatment times to clear aligners and other non-traditional braces treatments, modern orthodontics can offer an array of options to meet the needs of patients.

In this blog post, we will discuss the role of technology in modern orthodontics and how it has enabled orthodontists to provide better care and improved results.

Smaller Brackets

Smaller or more compact brackets are less noticeable than traditional braces and more comfortable. These mini-brackets are designed to move teeth quickly and precisely, allowing for a shorter treatment time sometimes with fewer adjustments.

These compact brackets can also treat more complex cases, including overcrowding and rotations.

By using these smaller brackets, your orthodontic team in Shreveport can provide a more effective and comfortable patient experience.

Quicker Treatment Times

Modern technology has enabled orthodontists to provide quicker treatment times for common orthodontic problems. With the introduction of smaller brackets and advances in 3D imaging, orthodontists can plan treatments more accurately and efficiently.

This means that the time taken to complete treatment can be much shorter than it used to be. Clear aligners, such as Invisalign, can also play a role in reducing treatment times.

Using custom made clear aligner trays, orthodontists can often straighten teeth in less time than it used to take traditional braces. Additionally, newer systems such as SmartClip allow for self-ligating braces, which reduce chair time and further speed up treatment times.

These technological advances have enabled orthodontists to provide shorter treatments for patients with more accurate results.

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are becoming an increasingly popular choice for orthodontic treatment. This orthodontic treatment is a great option for those seeking a discreet and comfortable way to straighten their teeth without needing traditional metal braces.

Clear aligners are custom-made to fit the patient’s mouth and are worn for about two weeks, gradually moving the teeth into their desired position. After two weeks, patients will receive a new set of clear aligners designed to help them continue their journey to a perfect smile. Overall treatment time can often be expedited with clear aligners and typically ranges from 12-18 months depending on the severity of the case.

Common orthodontic problems such as overcrowded teeth, gaps between teeth, overbites, and underbites can all be corrected with clear aligners. The procedure is simple and non-invasive, meaning there is no need for uncomfortable adjustments and fewer visits to the orthodontist.

Pre-Treatment Scans

The use of pre-treatment scans is an important part of modern orthodontic care. These scans provide your orthodontist with a detailed understanding of your mouth.

These scans allow orthodontists to create an individualized treatment plan that best addresses your needs and common orthodontic problems. Pre-treatment scans use advanced imaging technology to allow your orthodontist to accurately measure and map out your teeth, jaw, and bite.

Images can help your orthodontist understand the current position of your teeth and any misalignments, spaces, or other issues. With this knowledge, your orthodontist can determine the best treatment for you, such as braces or clear aligners.

Final Thoughts

At Graf Orthodontics, we understand the importance of staying up to date on the latest technology available for orthodontists and patients alike.

We aim to offer the highest quality orthodontic care using the best technology, so our patients can experience effective, efficient treatment.

Contact us today to book an appointment or if you would like to learn more about the orthodontic technology we use at our NW Louisiana locations. We look forward to helping you achieve your best smile through modern technological solutions.